Zac Gill

I graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Pharmacology here at Newcastle University in 2018. Throughout the course I became interested in the translation of science and research into medical benefit. In my final year I worked in the Institute of Cellular Medicine on a pharmacogenetics-based dissertation project – ‘CYP2C9 genotypes in warfarin patients: studies on rare alleles’. As I found the research aspect of my degree particularly interesting, I chose to pursue an MRes in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics and hope to complete a PhD in the future.
I am working under Dr Nick Kalson and Dr Lee Borthwick, undertaking the research project ‘Cellular and molecular characterisation of knee fibrosis’. This involves performing an ‘-omic’ investigation into knee fibrosis including histology, RNASeq & proteomics, and then exploring the role of IL-1 in knee fibrosis using human knee fibroblasts.