Kristin Abraham

Hi, I am Kristin and I am a pharmacist by training with a great interest in circadian clocks. As such, my research is situated at the crossroad of pharmacology and circadian clocks, precisely in the field of chronopharmacology. Chronopharmacology that is the part of pharmacology which determines and describes the time-dependent drug effect taking into account circadian rhythm in physiological processes.
During my PhD, I characterised the chronopharmacology of the novel anticancer drug candidate FY26. I discovered that FY26 is best tolerated following dosing during the middle of the inactive phase in mice (middle of the 12 h dark cycle). The identification of the optimal drug administration time allows to decrease the incidence of severe side effects and increase treatment efficacy thus improving patient’s life quality.
As a member of the NFRG group, I am applying the principles of chronopharmacology on NAFLD therapy in order to develop new NAFLD chronotherapeutic strategies.
- 2013 - 2. Staatsexaman/ Diplom-Pharmazeut, University of Greifswald (Germany)
- 2014 - 3. Staatsexamen/ Approbation zum Apotheker
- 2014 – 2015 app. Apothekerin at MediosApotheke Berlin
- 2019 – PhD – In vitro and in vivo chronopharmacology of a new generation of an organometallic anticancer drug complex – Chronotherapy Group, University of Warwick
Awards and Prices
- 2016 - Poster Price – Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Summer School, University of Oxford
- 2018 – “Blue Sky Award” best oral presentation, PGR Symposium, University of Warwick
- Gurnani P, Sanchez-Cano C, Abraham K, Xandri-Monje H, Cook AB, Hartlieb M, Lévi F, Dallmann R, Perrier S: RAFT Emulsion Polymerisation as a Platform to Generate Well-Defined Biocompatible Latex Nanoparticles. Macromolecular Bioscience. 2018 Aug 7th, 1800213.
- Alper Okyar, Swati A. Kumar, Elisabeth Filipski, Enza Piccolo, Narin Ozturk, Helena Xandri-Monje, Zeliha Pala, Kristin Abraham, Ana Rita Gato de Jesus Gomes, Mehmet N. Orman, Xiao-Mei Li, Robert Dallmann, Francis Lévi & Annabelle Ballesta: Sex-, feeding-, and circadian time-dependency of P-glycoprotein expression and activity - implications for mechanistic pharmacokinetics modeling. Nature. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 10505 (2019).