Amy Shepherd

I graduated from the University of Exeter in 2019 with a Bsc (Hons) in Biochemistry. As a component of this I completed an industrial placement year, working as a Research Intern, within the Biodomain department at SHELL Technology Centre Houston. My enjoyment of scientific research, within these roles, led me to pursue an MRes in Biomedicine at the University of Edinburgh from 2019 – 2020. In this I worked on delineating the mechanisms of host restriction factors and was involved in a project to adapt a novel phylogenetic metric to predict viral spread. My main interests are in examining aberrant host responses. This led me to apply for a technical position at the Newcastle Fibrosis Research Group working on the molecular mechanisms of lipids in the development of liver fibrosis using Precision Cut Liver Slices.
- Bsc (Hons) in Biochemistry with Industrial Experience at University of Exeter (2019)
- Masters by Research in Biomedicine (life sciences) at University of Edinburgh (2020)