
Leads for the AGE Research Group

Professor Avan Aihie Sayer

Professor Rachel Cooper

Members of the AGE Research Group

Nessrin Almaghtuf

  • PhD Student
  • Email:
  • Nessrin's research aims to explore the selective vulnerability of type II muscle fibres to ageing, with a particular interest in sarcopenia, the age-related decline in muscle mass and function

Dr Terry Aspray

Ms Helen Atkinson

Dr Jonathan Bunn

  • PhD Student and Clinical Research Associate, Geriatric Medicine Registrar Northern Deanery
  • Email:
  • Jonny's PhD combines routine hospital data and a deeply phenotyped cohort to understand the burden of multiple long-term conditions in older adults.

Mrs Gayle Cain

Miss Daniela Carpinelli

Dr Catherine Dotchin

Dr Antoneta Granic

Ms Susan Hillman

Dr Christopher Hurst

Dr Grace Lewis

Ms Eleanor Lockhart

Dr Claire McDonald

Professor Siân Robinson

Mrs Sinéad Smith

Dr Lewis Steell

Dr Karen Suetterlin

Holly Syddall

Freya Thompson

  • PhD Student
  • Email:
  • Freya's PhD is a mixed methods study investigating inequalities in hospital care for people with multiple long-term conditions

Philippa Watts

Professor Miles Witham

In Memoriam

Dr Richard Dodds

  • Clinical Intermediate Fellow & Honorary Consultant
  • Richard joined the AGE Research Group when it was established in 2016. He sadly passed away on 25 May 2022. BMJ Obituary