Brain Awareness week (Newcastle)

Viviane Tenorio (ESR 11)

Date: 18/03 – 10.0 am (London time)

Place: Newcastle City Library (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Name of the event: Brain Awareness Week (Newcastle)

Title of your presentation: I will be talking about neuroscience in general to the public that walks into the library. It is basically an outreach event in which I will present the activity of the lab and along with other volunteers, talk a little about movement neuroscience (related to my PhD). This event includes educational activities with children (printouts of fact sheets, myth or truth guessing games, finding the words games, books display and short presentations), and chats with the public.

About the event: Brain Awareness Week is a global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, participants host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain, and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives.


Mahyar Doost (ESR 12)

Link of the event:

Date: 18 of March 2023

Name of other participants: Viviane Tenorio


The organizer of Brain Awareness Week is Dana foundation. The goal of Brain Awareness Week is to increase public awareness about the brain and the progress and benefits of brain research. Any student who is doing brain research could get involve in this event and introduces any information about neuroscience and brain research for public in a public place such as library, hospital, school, or clinic.