Team & Partners
UpStream is a collaborative and participatory project involving input and support from a range of international organisations/groups, forming a new and unique network across a range of sectors.
UpStream Project Team:
Dr Amy Jones
- Senior Consultant WRc (UK)
- Email:
- UpStream responsibilities: guidance on water quality legislation, water quality assessments and the UK water industry. Enabling links to industry and UK partner organisations.
Chi-Ling Wei
- Research Assistant
- Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Email:
- UpStream Responsibilities: Support the development of the new version of the WaterBox and the calibration of water quality sensors.
Dr Claire Walsh
- Principal Investigator
- School of Engineering, Newcastle University (UK)
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0)191 208 6647
- Twitter: @clwnewc
- UpStream Responsibilities: overall direction and management of the project, including reporting, data management, risk assessment and any ethical considerations or actions required.
Dr Eleanor Starkey
- Independent Research Advisor in Hydrology & Citizen Science
- Twitter: @starkeyele
- UpStream Responsibilities: planning, delivery and evaluation of knowledge exchange events, and providing citizen science engagement and monitoring support.
Dr Li-Pen Wang
- Assistant Professor / Co-Investigator
- National Taiwan University (Taiwan) & Rain++
- Email:
- Telephone: +886 233664346
- Twitter: @Lipen_rpp
- UpStream Responsibilities: Management of Taiwan’s project team and scientific lead for WaterBox sensor development and data analysis tools
Dr Ling-Jyh Chen
- Principal Investigator
- Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
- Email:
- Upstream Responsibilities: Management of Taiwan’s project team and scientific advisor for the development of the WaterBox.
Nathan Strathdee
- Research Assistant
- RPS Group (UK) & University of Sheffield
- Email:
- UpStream Responsibilities: Support data visualization and communication of water quality information to UK partner organisations.
Pei-Chun Chen
- Research Assistant
- Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Email:
- UpStream Responsibilities: Sensor data analysis and advise on Taiwan’s water quality regulations
Dr Sachit Mahajan
- Co-Investigator
- ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- Email:
- Twitter: @SachitMahajan4
- Upstream Responsibilities: Provide scientific support in the planning, delivery and evaluation of co-creation workshops, WaterBox data analysis and facilitate Taiwan-UK interactions.
Dr Susana Ochoa-rodriguez
- Hydro-meteorologist / Co-Investigator
- Rain++ (Taiwan)
- Email:
- Twitter: @susana8ar
- UpStream Responsibilities: Coordination of data analysis & utilisation solutions development, alongside Academia Sinica and NTU. Based in Taiwan, Susana will facilitate Taiwan-UK interactions.
Yun-Ting Heh
- Research Assistant
- Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
- Email:
- UpStream Responsibilities: Sensor data analysis and support the organisation of citizen workshops.