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The SHETRAN documentation consists of the following PDF files

bulletGeneral documentation

SHETRAN water flow equations (0.5 MB)

SHETRAN sediment transport equations (2.1 MB)

SHETRAN contaminant transport equations (1.8 MB)

SHETRAN Reservoir Component Documentation (24.0 MB)

Producing a good hydrological simulation (0.05 MB)


bulletSHETRAN GUI (Graphical User Interface) documentation - Windows environment

SHETRAN windows user guide (0.04 MB)

SHETRAN windows worked example (0.5 MB)

Also available are brief instructions on using ArcView to create DEM and catchment mask data for use in the SHETRAN GUI. The instructions use the free Aster dataset (approx. 30m DEM).

Create dem and mask.pdf (0.05 MB)

bulletSHETRAN Standard documentation

Simple Documentation

Shetran easy setup.pdf (2.0 MB) Uses a library (XML) file, standard ASCII grid and time series data (rainfall and PE). A single executable produces Shetrna input files and a Shetran simulation is run using these files. Easy setup video

Shetran easy setup - sediment and snow.pdf (0.7 MB) Like the normal easy setup except it runs either the sediment or snow components. Snow and sediment video

Shetran standard version.pdf (0.6 MB) Basic details on running a standard Shetran simulation. Standard version video

Shetran outputs.pdf (0.8 MB) Basic details about the outputs a Shetran simulation produces. Shetran outputs video

Shetran HDF5 outputs.pdf (2.0 MB) Basic details about the HDF5 outputs a Shetran simulation produces. HDF5 outputs video

Initial conditions in Shetran simulations.pdf (0.05 MB) Main options for initial conditions in shetran simulations. Initial conditions video

Complete Documentation

SHETRAN V4 user guide ( 1.1 MB) - information on running a SHETRAN simulation, including setting up the input files in text format and viewing the output

SHETRAN V4 data requirements ( 0.3 MB) - data necessary to run a SHETRAN simulation, data processing and a library of suitable parameter values. Needs updating


Send mail to s.j.birkinshaw@ncl.ac.uk with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 25/02/2021