Please read this report first as it contain the most up to date evidence and recommendations
Wilkinson, M.E., Quinn, P.F. and Welton, P. (2010) Runoff management during the September 2008 floods in the Belford catchment, Northumberland. Journal of Flood Risk Management 3(4) pp 285-295
Wilkinson, M.E., Quinn, P.F., Benson, I. and Welton, P. (2010) Runoff Management: Mitigation measures for disconnecting flow pathways in the Belford Burn catchment to reduce flood risk. Proceedings of the British Hydrological Society International Symposium 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Wilkinson, M.E and Quinn, P.F. (2010) Belford Catchment Proactive Flood Solutions: A toolkit for managing runoff in the rural landscape. Proceedings of the SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference, Edinburgh.
Wilkinson, M.E., Quinn, P.F. and Welton, P. (2008). Belford catchment proactive flood solutions: storing and attenuating runoff on farms. In: Sustainable Hydrology for the 21st Century, Proc. 10th BHS National Hydrology Symposium, Exeter. 327–332
N.B this is a working document that is being updated. It attempts to show end users what we have built and some of the costs involved.
Runoff attenuation features: a sustainable flood mitigation strategy in the Belford catchment, UK
A R Nicholson,MEWilkinson, G M O’Donnell and P F Quinn
Area (2012),