The Team

The Collective team consists of Silvie Fisch, Sue Bradley, Jack Hepworth, Siobhan Warrington, Joe Redmayne, Wendy Rickard, Graham Smith, Niamh Dillon, Liz O'Donnell, with input from doctoral candidate colleagues, Hannah James Louwerse, Ally Keane and Ryan Fallon, as well as more broadly from colleagues in History, Classics and Archaeology, the University's Business School, Geography section, Law School, and Medical School.

Between 2018 and 2023 our core team consisted of oral historians with experience across academic and community settings. Together the team brought together many years of local, national and international experience and expertise. This included working in development oral history, labour history, memory studies, heritage and the history of inequalities. Collectively the team built a portfolio of work that promoted the transformative power of oral history practice and theory.

The Unit was led by Professor Graham Smith with three research associates. Dr Alison Atkinson-Phillips, Sue Bradley and Dr Andy Clark and four associate researchers: Rosie Bush, Silvie Fisch, Dr Kath Smith and Liz O'Donnell.

Siobhan Warrington joined as a Research Associate between 2019 and 2024 on the Living Deltas Research Hub before assuming an Associate Researcher's position with the Collective. Alison and Andy moved on to new and more secure lecturing contracts in Australia, in 2023 and Scotland in 2024.  In these years, we were also ably supported by our blog editor and student intern Charlotte Stobart.

New Associate Researchers were appointed in 2022-4 years, replacing Rosie and Kath. Dr Niamh Dillon, an experienced life history interviewer and historian leads our reading group and Dr Wendy Rickard, a champion of oral history in public health, is developing a new and exciting funding bid.

Jack Hepworth, who had worked as a student volunteer on our Foodbank histories, replaced Alison as our home School's lecturer in public history. And Joe Redmayne as a Research Associate joined to work on the Women and Shipbuilding project with Historic England (2023-24).

Professor Graham Smith

Sue Bradley

  • Research Associate
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0191 208 4609
  • Sue Bradley is an experienced oral historian. Having worked in the Centre for Rural Economy for the past ten years, Sue brings a non-urban focus to the unit’s work.

Dr Andy Clark

  • Research Associate
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0191 208 4602
  • Andy Clark joined the Oral History Unit in November 2017. His research interests include responses to factory closure, labour history, and the impacts of deindustrialisation.

Siobhan Warrington

  • Senior Research Associate
  • History, Classics & Archaeology
  • Email:
  • Twitter: @oraltestimony
  • Siobhan Warrington is an internationally recognised oral historian who has worked on a range of projects in countries that have included India, Pakistan and Ukraine.

Silvie Fisch

  • Associate Researcher
  • Oral History Unit
  • Email:
  • Silvie's extensive experience includes using oral history in community and cultural development work, historical interpretation and heritage engagement.

Dr Kath Smith

  • Associate Researcher
  • Oral History Unit
  • Email:
  • Kath is an experienced oral historian and is one of the Oral History Society's Regional Networkers.