The Team

Siobhan Warrington

Siobhan Warrington joins the Oral History Unit as a Senior Research Associate on the international and interdisciplinary Living Deltas Hub (  Siobhan brings with her 25 years’ experience of collaborating with civil society organisations across the globe to record and communicate the first-hand experiences of those living with poverty, displacement, environmental change, and HIV. She is a feminist researcher, specialising in participatory oral testimony, with an interest in representation and the value of lived experience. She previously worked with Panos London and in 2013 she established Oral Testimony Works to take forward Panos’ oral testimony work (1993-2013), and to manage its archive of 1300 first-hand accounts. She has undertaken research for many international NGOs, including a substantial body of work on image-making, ethical practice, and upholding the rights of those featured.  Siobhan is also the international news editor for the Oral History journal.