About Us
Who we are
The Oral History Unit is our core team of internationally recognised oral historians, who have specialist interests in social justice, labour, rural, and women’s history as well as medical humanities. The team are based in Newcastle University's School of History, Classics and Archaeology.
The wider Collective provides a forum for knowledge exchange. We explore the dynamics of memory and historical narrative through theory and practice and strive to include those voices too often marginalised in representations of the past.
Alongisde our Community Partners, we produce globally significant research while attending to regional and civic responsibilities.
Oral History in the North East
The North East of England and Newcastle University have long been important centres for oral history activity. In academia, oral historians research and teach across disciplinary boundaries from the creative arts to medicine; in the community cultural sector, oral historians work in community education, museums, archives and a diverse range of community organisations. Recognising the wealth of experience in and around Newcastle, the Oral History Unit & Collective was launched in January 2018.
Our aims
The Oral History Unit & Collective is developing the next generation of oral historians, with early-career researchers involved in the design of ground-breaking projects.Using oral history as both a method and a source in public history, we seek to conduct and inform multi-disciplinary research and to respond to societal and global challenges. Our projects prioritise public history and social justice. This includes helping to shape policies on poverty, ageing, transport, crime and international development. You can read more about our key research themes here. Annual reports of our activities are published to coincide with our annual festival of oral history.
We also support our colleagues within and outside the university through our monthly drop-ins (12-1 on the first Friday of the month during term time), monthly reading group and regular seminars. For more information you can contact us at oralhistory@ncl.ac.uk