Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich

Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich LMU is the leading teaching and research university in Germany, ranking 1st in Germany in the latest Times Higher Education World University Ranking.  With the neighbouring Max-Planck, Helmholz and Technical University institutions, it can be regarded as a major European science hub. 

LMU Munich is a large beneficiary of the German excellence initiative and has hosted more than 80 ERC grants.  In FP7 LMU Munich participated in 21 Marie Curie Intital Training Networks and coordinated 4 of them.  In Horizon 2020 LMU has already been awarded 19 European Training Networks, of which 3 are coordinated by LMU researchers/scientists.  Finally, LMU Munich currently offers more than 35 structured doctoral programmes in a broad range of diciplines.

Ludwig-Maximillian University of Munich website