Caroline Wilson NFKB european summit
Caroline Wilson invited speaker at NF-kB European Subunit Workshop

On Ocotber 08-10, the 4th European NF-κB Summit was held in Grasse, France. At this occasion, Dr Caroline Wilson was invited to give a presentation as Guest speaker. Her presentation was entitled:
Progression of NFKB1 regulated inflammatory liver disease and cancer are suppressed by structured exercise
About The European NF-κB subunit workshops:
The NF-κB subunit workshop held in Grasse in October 2018 is the 4th in a highly successful series. The first of these was held in Rauischholzhausen, Germany in 2012 and was founded as a reaction to the perceived lack of coverage of this important area of biology at other international conferences. Following the very positive feedback from this first workshop, this was followed by the second in the series in Pitlochry, Scotland in 2014 and the third in Corfu, Greece in 2016.
The ethos of the workshops is to bring together researchers interested in the biology of the NF-κB subunits from all over Europe (and sometimes beyond) in an informal and relaxed setting to present and discuss unpublished work from their laboratories. The workshop is entirely self-funded, relying on registration fees from participants and sponsorship from interested companies and organisations. We encourage talks from scientists at all stages of their careers and our aim is to provide an opportunity for as many as possible of those who wish to present their data to be able to do so. A key objective of these meetings it to encourage collaborations leading to scientific publications and grant funding.
The subject areas covered at the workshops are diverse. These include fundamental mechanistic studies of the NF-κB proteins function as transcription factors, including proteomic analysis of subunit post-translational modifications and genome wide analysis of genetic targets through ChIP Seq and RNA Seq analysis. Another focus of the workshops is the physiological and pathological roles of the NF-κB subunits. Data presented include those using mice and other model systems, together with analysis of normal and diseased human tissues. We have sessions devoted to the role of NF-κB in the immune and inflammatory responses as well as its role in cancer.
Last modified: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 11:03:30 BST