EU-Speak Project 2015-18

  • EU-Speak is a project working to make a difference in the educational outcomes for immigrants with little or no education.
  • EU-Speak es un proyecto que trabajando para cambiar la situación en los resultados educativos de los inmigrantes que cuentan con poca o nula educación formal.
  • EU-Speak on kahdeksanvuotinen hanke, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa vähän koulutettujen ja kouluttamattomien maahanmuuttajien oppimistuloksia.
  • Okul eğitimi almamış yetişkin yaştaki göçmenlerin eğitim düzeyini geliştirici uluslararası ücretsiz ve online bir öğretmen eğitimi programı.
  • EU-Speak ist ein Projeck mit dem Ziel, sechs Module zu entwickeln, die den Praktizierenden viele Möglichkeiten bieten sollten, ihr Wissen anhand einer breiten Spanne von relevanten Themen für die Arbeit mit den Lernern zu erweitern.

EU-Speak Module Development

From 2014 to 2015, the EU-Speak conducted international surveys of practitioners and experts on the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to working with low-educated adult immigrants to help them develop basic language and literacy skills in the language of their new country.

The result of EU-Speak 2 was an international training and development curriculum. In EU-Speak 3, six on-line modules were developed by specialists in six countries and offered twice from 2016 to 2018, in English and German, Finnish, Spanish and Turkish. Module was free and ran for six weeks.

This is a unique opportunity for those who work with beginning-level adult immigrants to interact with those in similar situations around the world.

“I could interact with people from other European countries and even other continents, which I find absolutely rewarding. This is what really characterizes distance learning: people who are many kilometers apart and are interested in a common theme."   (A teacher in Spain)