Enquiry- and problem-based curricula for young children are a powerful way to support high quality teaching and learning. ROMtels technology supports educators to create their own enquiries.
Working with plurilingual communities in conjunction with teachers’ expertise in supporting the school curriculum is a way to ensure these enquiries meet children’s needs.
Our first four enquiries are created by teachers at Arthur's Hill Federation primary schools in Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Enquiry 1’s setting is the Great Fire of Tyneside (1854). Key stage 1 children are challenged to find the identity of a mystery man and then decide whose fault the fire was. All this happens using multiple languages and multiple technologies
- Enquiry 2 takes us to Ancient Mesopotamia (Baghdad 6000BCE). Key stage 2 children use multiple languages and multiple technologies to find out what a mysterious clay object is and who should take care of it.
- Enquiry 3 shrinks key stage 1 children to the size of minibeasts so they can discover which minibeasts are good for the garden.
- Enquiry 4 gives year 6 children a new job as a teaching assistant at secondary school as a way to prepare them for transition from primary to secondary school.
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