Hammamet, Tunisia, 3-5 June 2014
The second RESCAP-MED writing workshop, hosted by our Tunisian partners and organised by Faten Tlilli, Professor Habiba Ben Romdhane and the Tunisian team, focused on developing writing skills by preparing and polishing a draft manuscript for submission to a refereed journal. All participants were asked to prepare a draft manuscript to work on during the workshop. The format of the writing workshop included lectures provided by the facilitators which were interspersed with individual mentoring sessions, providing intensive feedback and advice on the paper writing process.
This workshop covered the following topics:
Nineteen participants from five countries (Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey) attended the workshop. Six facilitators from RESCAP-MED partner institutions were also present to assist, including Professor Peter Phillimore and Dr Cathrine Degnen from Newcastle University; Professor Julia Critchley from St George’s University of London; Dr Martin O’Flaherty from the University of Liverpool; Dr Gul Ergor from Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir; and Dr Kathleen Bennett from Trinity College, Dublin.
The workshop took place over three full days (see Appendix 2 for programme). The first day started with introductions and after initial introductory lectures on identifying journals and getting started writing the participants were each assigned a facilitator. The large group of participants meant that each facilitator could be assigned 2-4 participants to mentor over the course of the three day workshop. Time was spent with each participant working on their individual paper(s), providing constructive feedback and suggestions for improving the paper in preparation for publication. The interactive group format was lively and provided the opportunity for participants to work on their papers intensively over the duration of the course. Each section of the paper (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) was given special attention during the workshops after a lecture on the particular section had been delivered. There were many opportunities for question and answer sessions during the workshop, and topics, such as authorship of papers, were of particular interest.
There was some time during the course to enjoy Hammamet, either at the Medina, at dinner in the fish restaurant by the sea, or by the pool/beach after all the hard work.
The feedback from the course was very positive. The vast majority of the sixteen participants who left feedback stated that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the content of the lectures, the format of the workshops, the practical sessions and workshops and the course in general. A substantial majority also indicated that the course either greatly or adequately met the learning outcomes of recognizing the need for scientific paper writing and review; understanding the way in which scientific papers are constructed; preparing a paper suitable for publication and using the knowledge gained to get a paper published; and targeting a journal and dealing with feedback from reviewers. Most participants also reported satisfaction with the course materials, venue and facilities, food and social events organized and hotel accommodation provided. Further details can be found in Appendix 3.
Learning outcomes: At the end of the course participants would be able to:
Feedback from Participants
1. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the content of the lectures
2. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the structure/format of the workshops
3. Overall opinion of the course
4. Overall opinion of the practical sessions and workshops
5. Do you feel you have learnt to:
a. Recognise the need for scientific paper writing and peer review?
b. Understand the way in which scientific papers are constructed?
c. Prepare a paper suitable for publication and use the knowledge gained to get a paper published?
d. Target a journal and deal with feedback from reviewers?
6. Were the materials for lecture sessions satisfactory?
7. Were the materials for practical sessions satisfactory?
8. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the course materials provided?
9. What is your opinion on the venue/lecture facilities of the course?
10. What is your opinion on the food and social events of the course?
11. What is your opinion on the hotel accommodation provided with the course?
Very helpful workshop. Thank you very much for your time.