The Project

RESCAP-MED is a project to build research capacity for public health in countries around the eastern and southern Mediterranean.  The purpose of the project is to develop research skills in these countries to address the challenge of non-communicable diseases and their social determinants: specifically the skills needed to address the burden of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. 

RESCAP-MED brings together partners in eleven institutions. Six of these are academic institutions in the Mediterranean region: in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.  One is an international organisation with the primary public health remit for the region: the World Health Organization’s East Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO).  Four are academic institutions within the European Union, in the UK and Ireland.

RESCAP-MED is funded by the European Commission for three years (2012-2014) and we are grateful for its support.

RESCAP-MED is co-ordinated by the Institute of Health and Society, at Newcastle University.