Principal Investigators
Prof. Martin Noble
- Professor of Biomolecular Structure & Anticancer Drug Design
- Email:
- Telephone: +44 (0) 191 208 4466
Martin was recruited in 2011 from the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford University, where he was a Professor at the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics. He worked in Oxford from 1993 as postdoc (with Professor Dame Louise Johnson), Royal Society University Research Fellow, University Lecturer, and ultimately Head of Laboratory. Martin’s key achievements are in the field of determining, interpreting and exploiting the 3D structures of macromolecules to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying medically important processes and to enable drug discovery. Martin is a project champion in Collaborative Computational Project 4, where he served for four years as Chair of the Executive Committee. He is also chairman of the XChem beamtime allocation committee and a member of the EBI Molecular Sciences Cluster Scientific Advisory Board. Martin is Head of Structural Sciences in the CRUK Newcastle Drug Discovery Unit. University profile.