
STEM for BRITAIN is a major scientific poster exhibition held annually in the Houses of Parliament. Organised by the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee and chaired by Stephen Metcalfe MP, its aim is to give members of both Houses of Parliament an insight into the outstanding research work being undertaken in UK universities by early-career research scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.
Following a highly competitive selection process, Harriet was chosen to present and discuss her PhD work with members of both Houses of Parliament at Westminster on 7th March 2022. The event required presenters to describe their work in terms intelligible to an interested lay audience, with the judges looking for enthusiasm, clarity, and brevity as well as scientific excellence.
Harriet described her research investigating cyclic structures for DNA-encoded libraries (DELs). On-DNA chemistry comes with a number of limitations, not least that reactions must take place in water. This can be aided through the use of micelles, with the technique enabling a variety of highly efficient DNA-compatible transformations to be developed. A combination of these reactions have then been employed to construct a macrocycle on-DNA.
Harriet’s poster can be viewed here.
Last modified: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 14:37:04 BST