Prestigious EFMC Award for Prof. Mike Waring

The “UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry” is a biennial EFMC award established to acknowledge and recognise outstanding scientific research in the field of Medicinal Chemistry.
The 2022 award has recetnly been awarded to Professor Mike Waring, in recognition of his conceptual work on the role of lipophilicity and for the contribution to advance the field of covalent inhibitors in medicinal chemistry.
Mike has worked on drug discovery and development programmes that have resulted in clinical trials of various drug candidates, including the EGFR inhibitor osimertinib for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. Overall, he has made significant advances to small molecule drug discovery by employing novel hit generation techniques like fragment-based lead generation and DNA-encoded libraries.
Last modified: Tue, 24 May 2022 16:57:57 BST