Jessica Graham wins at Sygnature Postgraduate Symposium

Sygnature Discovery are a leading CRO that offer a drug discovery service to its clients. In July 2022, they organised their inaugural Sygnature Discovery Synthetic Organic Chemistry Postgraduate Symposium, showcasing presentations and flash presentations from organic chemistry PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Jessica Graham, a Medicinal Chemistry PhD student, was invited to participate and presented a flash presentation. Her talk can be found here.
The day culminated in Jess being awarded one of two awards for her flash presentation. On winning the award Jess said:
“I had great day at the Sygnature Postgraduate Symposium and I feel very honoured to have been awarded one of the two prizes for the flash poster presentations. It was a fantastic day filled with some excellent presentations and flash talks, so well done to everyone who participated.”
Last modified: Mon, 01 Aug 2022 09:02:27 BST