Start-Up Animations

We have developed a series of short animations for educators and practitioners to use (primarily for social media) to help to capture the interest of students, young entrepreneurs and other relevant stakeholders in different stages and themes around the start-up process. 

The animation videos are also useful for virtual learning environments but are short enough to use on a variety of social media platforms, with appropriate text to link to the event/opportunity for entrepreneurial development being promoted.  We will be doing more focussed work with educators in Year 4 for these but we hope they will be useful for everyone involved with Creative Spark – and beyond!

1. Value Creation

In this first video, in the series of animated shorts for new entrepreneurs, we explore Value Creation. How can businesses create value in today’s world? 

2. Creativity and Innovation

Why are Creativity and Innovation essential for entrepreneurs starting their new ventures? What is Creativity? What is Innovation? These questions are answered in this short animated video.

3. Idea Generation

Generating ideas is a different process for everyone. How are ideas generated? Is It worth discussing your ideas with others? How do you protect your ideas? These questions and more are discussed in this video.

4. Testing Ideas

Testing and experimenting is a big part of being an entrepreneur. Are your ideas solving real problems? Why do businesses need market research?

5. Idea Evaluation

Is your idea worth pursuing? This video shows the use of a Business Model Canvas by entrepreneurs, to find the answer to this question.

6. Pitching Ideas

If you are confident your idea has value, try to convince others. This process is called Pitching an Idea. Why should you be able to talk about your idea concisely? What is an Elevator Pitch?

7. Social Enterprise

In this video we lift the curtain on Social Enterprises. What is the point of a Social Enterprise? What do they want to tackle? Do they need to bring in profit? Find out if this kind of entrepreneurship suits you best.

8. Mentoring

Can you do everything by yourself? Maybe, but a mentor is there to make it easier. A person with experience has a lot to offer and knows what questions to ask. Watch this short video to find out, if a mentor could help your business.

9. Seek Investment

What kind of investment is right for your business? In this video we progress from having a business plan, to finding money to make it run. Are there any more benefits of having an investor? Let’s find out!

10. Taking on your first employee

Behind a successful business usually you can find a great team. How do you know the right person for the job? What should you look for in an employee? Watch this video and expand your team!

11. The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Do you have what it takes to run your own company? There are characteristics we collectively call an Entrepreneurial Mindset. What is it? Can everyone have it? 

12. Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Equal opportunity is what we all should strive for in successful entrepreneurship. What does your business gain from being inclusive? How does it impact our community? In this video we show you how inclusivity and equal opportunity for all helps everyone flourish.