
Here are the publications emerging from the Bulbul project. Please contact to request access


  • Trebacz A, McKean C, Semaan G, Khattab G. A rapid review of the nature and influence of responsive parent/caregiver-child interactions on early language development cross-culturally with a focus on Arabic speaking children. CRD42022371188 PROSPERO, 2022. Available at:
  • Khattab G, Abdelwahab AGS, Al-Shdifat K, Alsiddiqi Z, Floccia C, Kouba Hreich E, McKean C, Moitel Messarra C, Odeh T, Trebacz A. Promoting early language development in the Arab world and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 4, 10 and 17International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 2022. In Press.