WP 1: Rapid Screening

Rapid Screening(6-48 months), Research & Training, Lead: UNEW


Objectives: To deliver a modelling framework enabling rapid screening of drug candidates in terms of potential immunogenicity, toxicity and mode of action based on the (bio)chemical properties.

Description: Project 1.A (host ALC) and Project 1.B (host UNEW)

Project 1.A: Task 1.1 – SkimuneTM in vitro assay of potency of selected model compounds using the ALC technology; Task 1.2 – Development of a modelling representation of the potency within the framework for early compound screening.

Project 1.B: Task 1.3 – Assessment of the intrinsic toxicology of selected compounds using a panel of in vitro methods and genotoxicity in selected cell types (section 2.1.1); Task 1.4 – Multivariate models predicting toxicology of compounds.

Deliverables: D1.1 - Report on Skimune™ results, sensitivity and potency assessment on two novel compounds (m.15); D1.2 - Overview of modelling methods for prediction of toxicity/immunogenicity (m.20); D1.3 - Report on Skimune™ results, sensitivity and potency assessment on the remaining novel compounds (m.30); D1.4 - Modelling framework for rapid screening of toxicity/immunogenicity of bioactives (m.38); D.1.5 - Validation of model predictions for new compounds (m. 42)