This page will be updated as more files become available.
WG6.1 Interim report
WG6.2 Final report
WG6.21 Dissemination report
WG6.22 Impact report
Dissemination activities
- WG6.3 'Translanguaging Pedagogy: writing across languages'. Article on Education Gateway, April 2017 (PDF WG6.3). Heather Smith.
- WG6.4 Middlesbrough presentation Work with EAL specialist teachers in Middlesbrough (Middlesbrough region EMAT Ethnic Minority Achievement Team based on a translanguaging approach. Heather Smith.
- WG6.5 Stall at #WorkingTogetherNCL event, Newcastle Civic Centre, November 2016. Heather Smith.
- WG6.19 Presentation at EDiTE European Doctorate in Teacher Education three-day seminar, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland. Leena Robertson.
- WG6.6 Progress update in Research Centre for Learning and Teaching Newsletter issue 23, January 2016 (PDF). Heather Smith.
- WG6.7 ‘Monolingual habitus or linguistic pluralism? Supporting bilingual pupils/ pupils with EAL in their everyday learning alongside parents as language experts.’ Presentation at Research Centre for Learning and Teaching showcase (Newcastle University), 5th October 2016. Heather Smith.
- WG6.8 ‘Architecting Collaborative Learning Places’. Workshop at Association for Computing Machinery Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ACM ITS, Madeira, Portugal), November 2015. Phil Heslop.
- WG6.9 Progress update at Research Centre for Learning and Teaching away day at Newcastle University, 9th July 2015. Heather Smith.
- WG6.10 'Le projet ROMtels: un projet de médiation culturelle, identitaire, linguistique et numérique/The Romtels project: a project of cultural, identity, linguistic and digital mediation'. Overview of presentations at ACEDLE, 2016. Nathalie Auger, Brahim Azaoui, Florence Guiraud, Christel Houée, Frédéric Miquel, Jérémi Sauvage. (WG6.10 French) (WG6.10 English)
- WG6.11 Jérémi Sauvage, 'La médiation numérique comme outil d’identification de langues romanis/Digital mediation as a tool for identifying Romanian languages', ACEDLE presentation 2016. (WG6.11 French) (WG6.11 English)
- WG6.12 Nathalie Auger and Frédéric Miquel, 'Le projet ROMtels: un projet de médiation à multiples niveaux/ROMtels projects: a multiple levels mediation project', ACEDLE presentation 2016. (WG6.12 French) (WG6.12 English)
- WG6.13 Florence Guiraud, 'Médiation sémantique et contexte social/Translanguaging and semantic approach: social context', ACEDLE presentation 2016. (WG6.13 French) (WG6.13 English)
- WG6.14 Brahim Azaoui and Christel Houée, 'La médiation, un outil de construction identitaire de parent d’élève Rom/Mediation, a space for the construction of parents of roma pupils identity', ACEDLE presentation 2016. (WG6.14 French) (WG6.14 English)
- WG6.20 Presentation at ADEB Association for the Development of Bi-Plurilingualism, Paris.
- WG6.15 Helsinki presentation, 2017. Heidi Layne.
- WG6.16 Teachers' professional development courses for the city of Helsinki 14.11.2016 and 25.11.2016, and for the city of Järvenpää 26.01.2017. Heidi Layne.
- WG6.17 Presentation at ACSI (Association for Christian Schools) meeting, Budapest, April 2017. Nicu Gal.
- WG6.18 'Parents as first educators' training in Kosice, March 2017. Nicu Gal.