28-29 Nov. 2014. Luis and Rosaleen travelled to Huaraz, department of Ancash, where they met graduates of the Ministry of Culture’s interpreting and translation training courses, speakers of Central Peruvian Quechua, and ran a focus group with them.
3-7 Dec. 2014. Rosaleen went to Pucallpa (Ucayali) to observe the Pilot Training Course for Interpreters and Translators in Indigenous Languages in the Health Sector, run by the Indigenous Languages Division of the Ministry of Culture. She facilitated a workshop on linguistic human rights with health workers, speakers of Ashaninka, Ashéninka, Shipibo, Yine, and Awajún (Amazonian languages).
20-22 February 2015. Luis, Raquel and Rosaleen attended and contributed to the Primer Encuentro Nacional de Intérpretes y Traductores en Lenguas Originarias, convened by the Ministry of Culture and held at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. There were speakers of Quechua, Aymara, Ashaninka, Awajún, Ashéninka, Yine, Jaqaru, Shipibo, Bora, Matsigenka, Nomatsiguenga, and many other languages at the meeting. This was an opportunity for us to hear about their experiences and discuss with them.
3-5 March 2015. Raquel attended a Training Workshop for Interpreters and Translators in Indigenous Languages in Prior Consultation settings, in Puerto Maldonado. She met with staff from the Dirección de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas of the Ministry of Culture, as well as the interpreters and representatives from PerúPetro; and visited the Ese Eja community of Infierno.
24 July 2015. Luis and Rosaleen convened a full-day 'Mesa de Trabajo' with some of the trained interpreter-translators, at the PUCP. We had nine participants, speakers of Chanka Quechua, Ancash Quechua, Shipibo, Awajún, Wampis, Yine, Jaqaru and Aymara. They presented examples of their translation work and discussed difficulties and solutions with their colleagues. It was a really stimulating meeting.
Quillabamba, Cusco. 17 Aug. - 4 Sept. 2015. Rosaleen, Raquel and Luis attended and contributed to the '8° Curso de Capacitación para Intérpretes y Traductores en Lenguas Originarias', run by the Indigenous Languages Division of the Ministry of Culture. It was an intense and very instructive few weeks for all of us. We facilitated a workshop on translating and ran a focus group on language rights with the trainees. To celebrate the end of the course the students organised a trip to Machu Picchu, which Raquel took part in.
27 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2015. Raquel travelled to Pucallpa to meet indigenous leaders who had participated in Consulta Previa, to conduct interviews and talk with them about the experience. The regional radio station interviewed her about the right to Translation and Interpreting services for indigenous people.
4-7 Nov. 2015. Luis and Rosaleen travelled to Puno for a number of activities. We talked with staff at SER-Puno and IDECA, NGOs that work with rural populations. We attended part of the XI Congreso Nacional and III Congreso Internacional de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe, hearing Luis Enrique López’s keynote lecture. We heard Dilma Velásquez, Aymara interpreter and graduate of the Ministry training programme, give a talk on language rights.
9 Nov. 2015. Rosaleen went from Puno to Cuzco where she had a meeting and led a focus group with the team working on indigenous rights, language rights, and interculturality at the Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura, the regional branch of the Ministry of Culture.