Huaraz. 28-29 Nov. 2014. Luis and Rosaleen took part in the II Encuentro Macro Regional del Quechua Central, held at the Universidad Santiago Antúñez de Mayolo in Huaraz, Ancash. Luis gave a talk on: “Pallasca: el último reducto de la lengua culle” and Rosaleen on “El quechua de Huamalíes”.
Lima. 6 March 2015. Raquel gave an interactive lecture on public service interpreting to professional translators and interpreters, members of the Colegio de Traductores. The lecture was followed by a discussion of professional issues. She also facilitated a round table discussion with representatives of Universities who deliver translation and interpreting programmes.
Quito, Ecuador. 4-9 Mar. 2015. Rosaleen gave a paper entitled ‘Políticas lingüísticas para los derechos indígenas en el Perú: la formación de intérpretes y traductores de lenguas originarias’ at the Conversatorio "Políticas Lingüísticas en la Región: una mirada desde las prácticas locales", convened by Antonia Manresa (Newcastle PGR student) and hosted by the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador. Participants included well known scholars and practitioners in linguistics and intercultural bilingual education in Ecuador: Luis Montaluisa, Arturo Muyulema, Ruth Moya, Ariruma Kowii, Matthias Abram, and Jorge Gómez Rendón.
Lima. 25-26 May, 2015. Luis attended and contributed to the 'Simposio Internacional de Políticas Lingüísticas. Avances y desafíos desde la realidad de lenguas minorizadas' convened by the Indigenous Languages Division of the Ministry of Culture. Keynote speakers in the symposium were Tania Ka’ai, head of Development of Te Ipukarea, Institute of Development of the Maori Language; and María Sumire, former Peruvian congresswoman, who conducted the process that led to the drafting and passing of the Peruvian Languages Act. Luis participated in a roundtable making comments to Tania Ka’ai’s, Virginia Zavala’s, and Hernán Layme’s presentations.
Pisac, Cusco. 29 June - 3 July 2015. Rosaleen and Luis were invited members of the panel at the PUCP Andean Studies Postgraduate Seminar in Pisac, convened by Professor Marco Curatola. We gave the paper ‘La traducción e interpretación en las lenguas originarias: Para la implementación de los derechos humanos lingüísticos en el Perú’.
3 Aug. 2015. Rosaleen gave a talk about the project to postgraduate students and staff on the Masters programmes in bilingual intercultural education and sociolinguistics at PROEIBANDES, National University of San Simón, Cochabamba. The topic of translating and interpreting in indigenous languages was of great interest to this audience.
Lima. 10-11 August, 2015. Luis took part in the Colloquium ´Nuevos contextos y desafíos en la implementación de la EIB´, organized by UNICEF, DIGEIBIRA (Ministry of Education, Peru), and PUCP. It gathered 80 teachers of bilingual education from different regions of Peru.
Lima. 2 Oct. 2015. Luis attended a roundtable at the X Congreso de Lingüística, Lexicografía y Traducción, organized by the Academia Peruana de la Lengua. Among the presentations was one on the translation of Ese Eja myths by linguist Coca Chavarría.
Lima. 2 Oct. 2015. Raquel gave a talk on methodologies applied to translation and interpreting research to an audience of students and university professors.
Lima. 7-9 Oct. 2015. Raquel and Luis attended the XII International Forum of the FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs / International Federation of Translators) whose conference theme was Challenges, New Roles and Ethics in Legal Translation and Interpreting, held at the Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón (UNIFÉ).
At the FIT, Raquel took part in a panel (8 Oct. 2015) “La situación de los traductores e intérpretes comunitarios de lenguas indígenas peruanas”. With: Agustín Panizo (Director of the Dirección de Lenguas Indígenas); Jorge Felipe Shimbucat (Legal Advisor at the Dirección de Lenguas Indígenas); Luis Meza (President of ONAJUP, Perú).
And she gave a Keynote Lecture (9 Oct. 2015): “El rol de los intérpretes indígenas del Perú en los procesos de Consulta Previa: ¿un acto de funambulismo?”
Lima. 10 Nov. 2015. Rosaleen attended the Políticas Lingüísticas en Paraguay y México forum convened by the Indigenous Languages Division of the Ministry of Culture. Speakers were representatives of the Mexican and Paraguayan state bodies working on behalf of indigenous language rights.
Lima. 30 Nov. 2015. Rosaleen gave a talk entitled ´El reto de traducir el lenguaje legal a las lenguas originarias en el Perú´, to the staff research seminar (‘Lunes Lingüístico’ series) in the Humanities Department at the PUCP.
Lima. 21 Mar. 2016. The project team convened the Simposio Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación en Lenguas Originarias, hosted by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Panel members: Rosa Luna García, translation theorist and trainer; Raquel de Pedro, Heriot-Watt University, UK; Agustín Panizo, Director of the Dirección de Lenguas Indígenas, Ministerio de Cultura; Roger Gonzalo, Aymara-Spanish bilingual translation and interpreting trainer. Raquel Reynoso, SER (Servicios Educativos Rurales).
Lima. 30 Mar. 2016. The project team convened a public event "Traduciendo Culturas: Traducción e Interpretación en Lenguas Originarias", hosted by the Casa de la Literatura Peruana. The event was led by trained interpreter-translators who work professionally with their languages, as speakers of Quechua, Aymara, Shipibo and Ashaninka, and was attended by around sixty people.