News & Events
UK-SPS Seminar: 6th April - Title: Dumbo Protocol Family: Making Asynchronous

The UK-SPS Seminar this week will be as follows:
Time: Wed, April 6, 15:00 – 16:00 (UK Time)
Attendance via Zoom (ID: 858 5656 9596, Passcode: 318620)
Livestream via Youtube
Speaker: Qiang Tang (University of Sydney)
Title: Dumbo Protocol Family: Making Asynchronous Consensus Real
Abstract: Asynchronous consensus has been considered the most robust, yet the most system-friendly consensus in the open network. Unfortunately, previous protocols suffer from low efficiency thus essentially none has been widely deployed. In this talk, we will introduce our recent progress on how to make asynchronous permissioned consensus really fast, and finally, real.
Bio: Dr. Qiang Tang is currently a Senior Lecturer (U.S. Associate Professor) at The University of Sydney. Before joining USyd, he was an assistant professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology and Director of JACOBI Blockchain Lab (sponsored by He was a postdoc at Cornell with Elaine Shi and obtained his PhD from UCONN in 2015, with Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. His research span broadly in applied/theoretic cryptography and blockchain technology, and his work mostly appeared at flagship venues of security/crypto/distributed computing such as Crypto/CCS/Eurocrypt/NDSS/PODC and many more. He won a few prestigious awards including “MIT Technical Review” 35 Chinese Innovators under 35, 2019; a Google Faculty Award; NJIT Research Award 2020, and more.
Please feel free to forward to others who might be interested.
UK-SPS is an inter-university seminar series on cyber security and privacy. Seminar details are also advertised on our website, calendar and Twitter, and recordings will be available on our YouTube channel afterwards.
Last modified: Mon, 04 Apr 2022 14:09:13 BST