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UK-SPS Seminar 4th August - Framework for Effective Corporate Communication

Title: A Framework for Effective Corporate Communication after Cybersecurity Incidents
Speaker: Jason Nurse (Kent)

Abstract: A cybersecurity incident can cripple an organization, particularly because of the related risk of significant reputational damage. As the likelihood of falling victim to a cyberattack has increased, so too has the importance of understanding what effective corporate communications and public relations look like after an attack. Key questions that need immediate answers include: What messages should be communicated to customers? How should correspondence be released? Who should speak to the media and public? In this talk, Dr. Nurse presents recent research into a playbook to support companies in deciding how to answer these questions and more. This work is grounded in real-world case studies and academic insights and has been validated and refined through interviews with senior security and crisis response industry professionals. The published article can be found here:

Bio: Jason Nurse (Twitter: @jasonnurse) is an Associate Professor in Cyber Security at the University of Kent, a Visiting Academic at the University of Oxford and an Associate Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). His research explores the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity, privacy and trust. This especially considers the impact of new technologies on these areas. As a result of this broad remit, Dr. Nurse has had the pleasure of working across various domains including cybersecurity, socio-technical security and privacy, cyber psychology, and computational social science. Dr. Nurse has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles in venues such as the Journal of Cybersecurity, Computers & Security, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System, IEEE IT Professional, and Computers in Human Behavior. He regularly speaks on cybersecurity in mainstream media including the Wall Street Journal, The BBC (and BBC Radio 4), Newsweek, Wired, Infosecurity Magazine, ThreatPost, The Register, Naked Security, Tech Radar and The Conversation.

UK-SPS is an inter-university seminar series on cyber security and privacy. Seminar details are also advertised on our websitecalendar and Twitter, and recordings will be available on our YouTube channel afterwards. 

Last modified: Tue, 17 Aug 2021 15:23:22 BST