Building on MedCHAMPS

RESCAP-MED develops out of and extends an existing research project funded also under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme. 

MedCHAMPS (2009-13) has involved many of the same partners now involved in RESCAP-MED.  An inter-disciplinary project, it has had three main aims:

  1. to model epidemiological trends in CVD and diabetes
  2. to document the organisation and actual operation of the health system for the management and treatment of CVD and diabetes
  3. to identify realistic policy options and cost selected examples. 

This research has been undertaken with four of the partners and countries in the region involved in RESCAP-MED: Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.  MedCHAMPS was led by Newcastle University, with other partners in the UK and Ireland.  It also sought to develop research capabilities of staff in partner institutes, a task now central to RESCAP-MED.

See the MedCHAMPS website for further details: