Catchment Management: Natural flood management and joining NFM to the WFD
On the 24th and 25th Novemeber 2011 Newcastle University and the Environment Agency hosted a workshop on Catchment Management: Natural flood management and joining NFM to the WFD. Over 30 people attended from varying backgrounds.
Overview of the workshop
In the Belford catchment (6km2) flood management project, a soft engineering approach has been taken to intercept, store, slow and filter runoff. Flow pathways are targeted close to the source in order to maximise the potential to alter the overall catch-ment flow regime. Over 20 Runoff Attenuation Fea-tures (RAFs) have been constructed in the area and four years of data has been gathered.
So what is the current evidence base to show the impact of RAFs on NFM across scales? How and where should features be built and do they alter the flow regime? What are the multiple benefits of the approach to Water quality and ecosystems services?
More information and presentations from the workshop can be found on the workshop link within the Belford menu.
Author Mark Wilkinson, Jan 2012
Last modified: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:04:05 GMT