Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
The ONE Planet DTP is committed to ensuring that we embed equality, diversity and inclusion into all activities. From our recruitment process, training programme, and governance processes, we aim to provide a welcoming and supportive community of researchers.
We follow our funder NERC's diversity and inclusion ‘living’ action plan, and strive to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in under-represented groups across the environmental science research community.
To do this, we continue to review and develop our EDI policies, to ensure our actions and processes reflect the changing needs of our applicants and doctoral community. We have provided some examples of the initiatives we have already put in place below:
Our new NERC funded EDI project
CONVINCE- CO-creation aNdeValuatIonof Novel reCruitmentprocEsses
Our ambition is to achieve transformative change in the number of successful applications from minoritized ethnic groups to our DTP. We will work to identify the barriers to application for PGR study at Newcastle and Northumbria Universities, particularly within the Natural & Envrionmental Sciences. Combining an evidence-driven and research-based approach, we will listen to the voices of applicants and PGRs through a series of focus groups and 1-1 interviews. We will use the information collected to inform our future recruitment activities, and will implement actions to remove identified barriers, with the overall aim to tailor appropriate support during the application process.
You can find out more here.
The ONE Planet DTP values individual differences and the diversity that this brings. We want to ensure that no-one is at a disadvantage because of who they are. We encourage applications from under-represented groups, and requests for flexible study (e.g. part-time) are welcomed. Further informatio on what our Studentship awards and how to apply can be found here.
Our academic supervisors all follow a clear and transparent recruitment process set by the DTP, that provides a set criteria for reviewing all applications received. We also require all PhD supervisors to undertake EDI training.
We particularly welcome applications from diversity candidates who may fall into the three key areas below:
- UK applicants who are Black, Chinese, Asian, Arabic, or of another non-white ethnicity
- Graduates who are from the first generation in their family to go to university
- Applicants who have caring responsibilities
Applicants within the above categories are prioritised for interview under our 'diversity candidate' nomination process, alongside candidates nominated by our academic supervisors.
Our interview panels include equal representation of diversity, including male and female academics from both partner institutions.
Data collection
The UKRI require us to gather the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion data of our applicants, and appointed PhD researchers, and report this back within their annual report process. You can find out more about the UKRI data requirements here.
This data collection exercise enables us to annually review our recruitment data, to ensure that our final award outcomes meet our aims to address skills gaps, demographic, and diversity-related challenges in the environmental sciences and Higher Education pathways. It also allows us to ensure we provide the right support and advice to our recruited PhD researchers. This includes disability suppport services, and diversity networks.
All data collected is handled confidentially within the DTP Management team, is not shared with academic supervisors, and is annonymised before being shared with the UKRI-NERC. You can read our Privacy notice here.
Applicant mentor programme
We understand that applying to study for a PhD, especially a competitve studentship process, can be daunting. 5 of our ONE Planet DTP Researchers are applicant mentors. They can provide 1-1 help with your application preparation and provide you with someone to speak to someone who has successfully been through our application process. You can find out more here.
Studentship offers
All successful candidates are provided with the same DTP studentship award: Full fees, stipend, and Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) for a 3.5 year PhD, and receive the same doctoral training programme.
Some students also receive additional funding if they have a external CASE partner (policy or industry).
Our DTP Community & training programme
The ONE Planet DTP has a vibrant and diverse Doctoral community that is led by our Postgraduate Researchers. Our students are actively involved in helping us to ensure we meet their needs. We are currently developing our DTP EDI training programme and look to provide further EDI workshops, including Active Bystander, White Privilege, and Anti-racism and Allyship training, within the coming year.
Our institutional partners
Both of our University partners value individual differences and the diversity that this brings. You can find out more about this below: