Allan Colver
I read psychology at Magdalene College, Cambridge University and then medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London University. I trained in paediatrics in Edinburgh and London before moving to Newcastle in 1980 to train in community paediatrics. I was awarded a research Doctorate of Medicine in 1992.
I was appointed Senior Lecturer in Community Child Health to Newcastle University in 1997, with subsequent promotions to Readership, Personal Chair and then Donald Court Chair of Community Child Health in 2007.
Areas of Research
My current research is directed to disabled children - understanding their lives, describing their needs and evaluating clinical interventions and services.
I lead a 5 year NIHR Programme for Applied Research on the Transition of young people with complex health needs from child to adult services.
I have also led for 10 years a study (SPARCLE) of the the participation and quality of life of children with cerebral palsy acorss Europe funded by the European Commission and Wellcome Trust.
To view Allan Colver's publications, group membership and qualifications please see his University profile.
Current Studies
FEEDS Review

The FEEDS review (Focus on Early Eating Drinking and Swallowing review) aims to find out about the services currently offered to families of children with eating. drinking and swallowing difficulties by NHS services. The review aims to gather information in order to plan a future study of one or more potentially worthwhile treatments.
The Transition Programme

Transition is a 5-year Programme of research looking at how health services can contribute most effectively to the successful transition of young people with complex health needs from childhood to adulthood.
Recently Completed Studies
SPARCLE 1 and 2 were a Study of Participation and Quality of Life of children with Cerebral Palsy living in Europe (Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, England and N. Ireland).