ProcessNet is the German platform for chemical engineering with more than 5,000 members. Experts from science, industry and administration exchange ideas and experience, discuss current topics and identify new scientific trends. ProcessNet isajointinitiative of DECHEMA and VDI-GVC. ProcessNet organises numerous events targeting the interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral exchange of informaion. The most prominent conference is the ProcessNet Annual Meeting attracting more than 1,000 participants. rThe wide variety of thematically structured committees deal with scientific and technical problems and issues of paramount technological and social relevance. They also trigger funding policy initiatiVes. ProcessNet is the national contact for intemational Co-operations. A further major activity is the professional advancement of 1young scientists. ProcessNet's broad-based network links chemistry with supply sectors and the many costumer sectors, thus ,boosting efficiency, particularly at the interface between the different industrial branches and disciplines. Participation in ProcessNet is open to all mernbers of DECHEMA and/or VDI-GVC.