Current Projects

Title: Standarad versus accelerated weaning from non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease directed by the NIV outcomes score: a randomised controlled trial Short running title (acronym): Non-Invasive Ventilation Outcomes score-directed Weaning (NIVOW)

Collaboraters: Miss Karen Brewin, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

About this project: Primary aim: To compare thime to successful weaning from NIV in ECOPD using an accelerated versus a standard weaning protocol.  Secondary aims: To compare relapse requiring NIV (defined as recurrent AHRF>48 hours after removal of the ventilator), complications of NIV, respiratory symptoms (breathlessness and sputum clearance), sleep quality health-related quality of life, readmissions, mortality, and NHS cost and cost-effectiveness between both weaning strategies

Funder: RfPB - £350,000