Newcastle University Microeconometrics Group

This area of research focuses on application of micro-econometric techniques in the area of health economics. This ranges from empirical models of health and care decisions; health over the life cycle; patient, public and professional behaviours and health; inequalities and equity.

We focus on applying, extending, and where necessary developing micro-econometric methods to improve quality of analysing individual-level data from observational and experimental studies on the health behaviour of individuals; estimating risks, costs, and benefits associated with relevant treatment strategies for clinical practice; and evaluating policies that tackle health promotion and social determinants of health for promoting more equitable health outcomes.


NutMeG is a cross university and cross faculty group of researchers who are interested in the application of microeconometric methods to economic problems. The aim of the group is to provide a forum for presenting work in progress or at a relatively early stage of the research process, rather than work nearly completed. It has a specific focus on providing a platform for early career researchers and phD students. The aim is to develop skills and collaboration across the colleagues.