Work Packages

Project Work Packages


  • PANDA code test runs 
  • Demonstration using data collected in Zhaodong and Changge, Henan 

WP2:  Digital Soil Mapping 

  • Archived satellite data acquisition and processing 
  • Training local Agri-Tech Teams 
  • Field soil survey on target farms and laboratory analysis 
  • Field soil sensor survey on target farms 
  • Data fusion and derivation and validation of farm-scale digital soil maps 

WP3: Data Integration 

  • Collation of satellite and proximal soil and crop production data during the growing season
  • Development of innovative in-field experimental designs for assessing Nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency
  • Investigation of novel methods for data-fusion of disparate agronomic and environmental data

WP4: DNDC Modelling 

  • Setting up model for Newcastle University Cockle Park Farm 
  • Model Analysis and Validation 

WP5: Engagement Activities 

  • A staggered series of stakeholder meetings including inclusive (all stakeholders) kick-off and final meetings, regular meetings with individual levels of stakeholders (growers only, government only etc.) to discuss specific needs (requirements, dissemination and content) 
  • Public seminars and website to demonstrate precision farming to school/university students and the general public
  • Technical workshop for local agronomists 
  • Research workshop for academia in both China and the UK
  • Paper publication and conferences

WP6: Performance Impact Assessment 

  • Data acquisition and processing
  • Data analysis and report