ENT Research North East Collaborative (ERNEST)

Welcome to the ERNEST Collaborative website.

The ENT Research North-East Collaborative (ERNEST) is dedicated to creating projects that will directly benefit patient care across the North East. Created and led by passionate registrars and ENT trainees, our mission is to drive innovation and improve ENT care by fostering collaboration, research, and professional development within the region.

By strengthening connections across the North East’s medical and research communities, we focus on developing impactful research and audit projects that drive positive change in ENT care. We aim to empower medical students and trainees by providing access to research mentors, resources, and training opportunities. Through these initiatives, we seek to build a collaborative environment where all levels of medical professionals and researchers can contribute to advancing the field of ENT and improving patient outcomes.

To learn more about our objectives and the work we do, read more here.

BATMAN Study Launched: Role of Booster Vaccines in Acute Otitis Media

BATMAN Study: The Role of Booster Vaccines & Antibody Responses in PrevenTing Recurrent Acute Otitis MediA in ChildreN

SUMMER Study Launched: Surgical Management Of OME in Children

SUMMER Study: Optimising The SUrgical Management of Otitis Media With Effusion in ChildRen

ERNEST Collaborative Launched

ERNEST Collaborative Launches to Drive Innovation in ENT in the North East