Work Packages


CASCAde is organized in six work packages.

WP1 Cryptographic Primitives. Investigates new cryptographic tools such as anonymous credential schemes and digital signature schemes. It enhances and builds a cryptographic libraries for graph signature schemes.
WP1 made outputs in Cryptography, for example, a new anonymous credential scheme, a new q-SDH graph signature scheme, new ways to hash-to-prime in zero-knowledge, or a new form of relational anonymous credential scheme. It also outputted GSL, a Java cryptographic library for graph signatures.

WP2 Cross-system Soundness and Binding. Establishes how topology certification with graph signatures can be bound to the bare metal of actual computer systems, where we largely employ Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) to facilitate the binding.
The System Security outputs of this WP are currently under submission.

WP3 Change and Scale. Establishes tools to operate on dynamically changing systems and to handle large-scale deployments with many hundreds or thousands of components.
WP3 established outputs in Cryptography, especially highly efficient q-SDH graph signatures with compact and optimized proofs as well as methods for composite signing and bootstrapping, which make it possible to handle scale and change.

WP4 Usability Research. Establishes sound evidence-based foundations for CASCAde as well as for the community at large. It investigates to what extent users will trust the overall assurance of the topology certification.
WP4 made a wide range of Human Factors outputs, while also responding for the need to improved evidence-based methodology  in the field to build upon. In Human Factors, the main result is a nomological network for trustworthiness and technology acceptance. In the evaluation of underpinning Instruments, we contributed the validity and reliability evaluation of IUIPC. In Meta Research, we showed a wide range of problems on, e.g., statistical reliability and strength of evidence in the field and how to ward against these problems in our own research. We released a Strength of Evidence Simulation to support planning experiments with the end in mind.

WP5 System Architecture. Considers how we can create overarching system architectures benefiting from confidentiality-preserving security assurance.
WP5 outputted the design documentation of our reference architecture of GSL.

WP6. Prototypes and Pilots. Establishes research prototypes that show CASCAde in action in a range of scenarios.
We built a virtualized-infrastructure testbed and implemented confidentiality-preserving security assurance in a scalable environment including the binding to Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) using GSL, thereby, demonstrating the feasibility of the technology.



Interaction diagram of the CASCAde work packages