Usual NHS Rehabilitation

In order to assess the effectiveness of both robot assisted training and enhanced upper limb therapy it is important that these treatments are compared to the rehabilitation a patient would normally receive following a stroke.

We think that the amount of arm rehabilitation provided by stroke services around the UK is very variable. However, there is currently very little information about the rehabilitation therapy individuals receive. We would like to collect information about the arm and hand rehabilitation stroke patients receive for 6 months. Some people who are several months or years after stroke may receive very little or no arm or hand rehabilitation. We would still like to know about this as it will enable us to learn about stroke rehabilitation services.

In order to record this information patients will be asked to complete arm rehabilitation therapy logs. The therapy logs contain short questionnaires about whether a patient has received any therapy for their arm or hand each week. If patients do receive therapy we will also ask:

  • How often they receive therapy?
  • How much time does they spend on therapy for their arm or hand each week?
  • What type of therapy do they receive for their arm or hand? (patients may ask their therapist to help answer this question)
  • Do they do any self-practise exercises?

We would like patients to fill in these therapy logs every 7 days for 24 weeks even if they receive no therapy.