Childhood Neurodisability

Some of our research projects include children with a wide range of neurodevelopmental conditions. Details of the childhood neurodisability research projects we are undertaking can be found below: 

The Team

Anna Basu


Allan Colver


Helen Taylor


Rose Watson


 Our Childhood Neurodisability Studies


Daslne is the Database of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Living in the North East. Its aim is to provide accurate information about children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) living in North East England.


The Autism Spectrum Database - UK (ASD-UK) is the UK research database including families with children on the autism spectrum.  ASD-UK gives families the opportunity to take part in research that aims to answer important questions about autism.

Communication Development and Cerebral Palsy 


This study is following the communication development of children who have motor disorders. It will show if it is possible to predict which children will have communication difficulties when they reach school age and how severe those difficulties will be.



This study uses smart phone technology to support Early Speech And Language Therapy for very young children with motor disorders.


eTIPS stands for “Early Therapy in Perinatal Stroke”. With input from therapists and from parents of children who have had a perinatal stroke, we have designed a manual, website and videos to support parents of infants with perinatal stroke.

F‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌EEDS Review


The FEEDS review (Focus on Early Eating Drinking and Swallowing review) aims to find out about the services currently offered to families of children with eating. drinking and swallowing difficulties by NHS services. The review aims to gather information in order to plan a future study of one or more potentially worthwhile treatments.


FIDELITY is investigating if it is possible to provide therapy to improve the speech intelligibility of children with cerebral palsy via the internet using Skype.

 Recently Completed Studies

Fun 'n' Games

A trial comparing two forms of play-based therapy to improve upper limb function in children with hemiplegia age 3-10 years.