Compare the current practice in water resources and flood risk management in China and UK, and develop an integrated toolkit for optimal management of water resources and flood risk for hydropower generation.
Chinese team (IWHR and DUT) visit Newcastle for 10 days to plan activities and visit nominated study sites. Two Chinese visitors will be hosted by Newcastle University to undertake comparison studies and produce a technical report to compare the current practice for water resources and flood risk management in both countries. The Newcastle approach of proactive catchment management is assessed and improved for applications in China. The two Chinese researchers/students, visiting NCL for 5 months will work with NCL team to integrate the existing hydrodynamic model at Newcastle into a hydrological model for broad-scale water resources, flood risk and drought management. The integrated model is subsequently coupled to a model for hydropower generation. The improved proactive catchment management approach and the integrated model form a new toolkit for optimizing water resources management and hydropower generation. The Newcastle University team will visit China for 10 days and work with the Chinese colleagues to write joint papers and develop a full research proposal based on the aforementioned preliminary research.
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