Animating Text

What is ATNU?

Animating Text Newcastle University (ATNU) is a digital collaboration between scholarly editors based in humanities disciplines and the Digital Institute that sets out to create new ways in which readers/users can interact with texts [...]

What is Digital Editing?

Digital editing or, to be precise, Scholarly Digital Editing, shares many of the same goals as traditional print-based Scholarly Editing. Patrick Sahle, for example, proposes the following definition [...]

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Hannah Busch - 2025-02-19

"Matching Medieval Manuscripts with Machine Learning", Hannah Busch, CCeH at the University of Cologne, 2025-02-19, 16:00.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Sophie Whittle - 2025-01-15

"Probing LLMs’ interpretation of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: Reflections on the use of generative AI for digital scholarly editing and the university classroom", Dr Sophie Whittle, Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series -Suzanne R. Black - 2024-10-28

"New literary canons: A digital approach to reviews of fanfiction on Goodreads" by Dr Suzanne R. Black, from the CoSTAR Foresight Lab at the University of Edinburgh

TEI Workshop 2023-07

An intensive introduction to basic TEI encoding and to LEAF-Writer, 26-27 July 2023

ATNU Virtual Speakers - Recordings

Most of our speakers have let us record their talks, here is a list of those so far!

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Gimena del Rio Riande - 2023-06-09

"An open, minimal and low tech approach to digital scholarly editions" -- Gimena del Rio Riande from HD Lab

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Elena Spadini - 2023-04-26

"Semantic web and scholarly editions: where are we? With an appendix on genetic editing." -- Elena Spadini from University of Basel introduces us to semantic web technologies and data-centric editions

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Ellen Forget - 2023-03-29

"Reading Digital Braille and Working with Braille Digitally" -- Ellen Forget from University of Toronto talks to us about how tactile reading works in the digital age

Bee-ing Human TEI Workshop

A free 2-day Introduction to digital textual editing with TEI Workshop

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Clark and Connell - 2022-12-12

Ash Clark and Sarah Connell from Northeastern University discuss the Intertextual Networks Project.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Dombrowski, Ge, Nomura, and Sherman - 2022-11-09

Quinn Dombrowski, Karen Ge, Nichole Nomura, and Alex Sherman discuss computational Analysis of Youth Fiction with the Young Readers Database of Literature.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Elisa Beshero-Bondar - 2022-06-14

Elisa Beshero-Bondar discusses the delights and provocations of an experiment in collating five versions of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to prepare a digital variorum edition.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Elli Bleeker - 2022-05-18

Finding common ground: A Companion to Digital Editing Methods -- Elli Bleeker will talk to us about the training and education of scholarly editors.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Kerri Andrews - 2022-05-05

The Letters of Hannah More, a Digital Edition: why I'm a digital convert -- Kerri Andrews will talk to us about being an editor working with both print and digital technologies and the opportunities and pitfalls of both.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Kirstyn Leuner - 2022-01-27

Color Matters: Kirstyn Leuner will talk to us about the problems of text colour for digitization projects using Anne B. Poyntz’s 'Je ne sçai quoi' (1769) as a case study.

ATNU Virtual Speaker Series - Rahul K. Gairola - 2022-03-31

Digital Homes: Technology and Sexuality in the Indiaspora -- Rahul K. Gairola will talk to us about how digital technology is re-shaping literacy, textuality, identity, and activism in queer culture throughout the Indian diaspora.

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #9

Diane Jakacki is our next speaker in the 9th virtual speaker event of the year. She will talk about REED London, an openly accessible online scholarly and pedagogical resource of London-centric documentary materials related to performance.

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #8

Christof Schöch is our next speaker, the eight in our series of talks for the year. He will talk about how to approach Computational Literary Studies from a multilingual perspective. Join us on the 6th of May at 17h00 (BST).

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #7

Dr Laura Estill is our next speaker, the seventh in our series of talks for the year. She will talk about how to use digital resources in early modern classroom teaching. Join us on the 25th of March at 13h00 (GMT).

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #6

Dr Mike Kestemont joins us for our next event in our Virtual Speaker Series. Mike will talk to us about how methods derived from ecology can be used to estimate the number of lost manuscripts to history.

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #5

Professor Roopika Risam joins us for the fifth event in our Virtual Speaker Series.

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #4

Professor Martin Paul Eve joins us for the fourth event in our Virtual Speaker Series. Martin will talk to us about computation and literary study.

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #3

Professor Katherine Bode joins us for the third event in our Virtual Speaker Series. Katherine will talk about Computational Modelling, Data Representation and Performative Materiality

Computer Vision and the digital humanities: a hands-on workshop

An opportunity to learn about Computer Vision and its uses with Dr Giles Bergel

ATNU/IES Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #2

Professor Ted Underwood join us for the second event in the ATNU/IES speaker series for an interesting discussion on how computerised approaches may or may not have changed literary theory.

Coding for Humanists

ATNU is launching a study group dedicated to learning how to code for Humanities' research. No previous knowledge of coding required.

Virtual Speaker Series 2020/2021 #1

Professor Elaine Treharne join us for the first virtual speaker series of 2020/2021 for an inspiring talk on textual representation, Beowulf, and beautiful books.

Professor Bruce R. Smith to join ATNU on a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

Professor Bruce R. Smith and Professor Jennifer Richards have been awarded a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship grant. Professor Smith will join ATNU and Newcastle for two semesters over two years.

ATNU/IES TEDA Workshop cancelled

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus outbreak, we will have to cancel the Textual Editing in the Digital Age Workshop.

ATNU/IES Textual Editing in the Digital Age Workshop

Registrations for the second edition of the Textual Editing in the Digital Age workshop, co-organised by ATNU and IES are now open

Research Associate -- Job opportunity

ATNU is looking for a part-time research associate to help develop one of our projects

The Greatest Digital Tool (you've never heard of)

ATNU is launching an year long competition to find The Greatest Digital Tool (you've never heard of). Get involved by nominating your favourite digital tool now!

New year, new look

The ATNU website has been re-designed for the 2019/2020 academic year, with new colours, new sections, and a flurry of activity in the pipeline.

Machine Learning and Digital Humanities

Newcastle will host an evening round table discussion about machine learning and digital humanities. The round table will take place on the 5th of September and is supported by ATNU and NUHRI.

Introduction to Stylometry Workshop

The Newcastle University Humanities Research Institute (NUHRI) is organising a 2-day workshop on introduction to stylometry. 11-12 April, free registration!

Textual editing in the digital age

Newcastle University and the Institute of English Studies are running a 5-day workshop about editing in the digital age.

Manuscripts after Print (MaP): new AHRC-funded project starts

Aditi Nafde's research project 'Manuscripts after Print', in partnership with ATNU, has been awarded AHRC funding and is about to begin.

AHRC National Productivity Investment Fund Studentships

Do you want to do a funded PhD in digital editing at Newcastle University?

What is editing in the digital age?

This coming 12th of June, ATNU will host a symposium on 'What is editing in the digital age?'

ATNU Discussion Lunch #4

Dr Lauren Ackerman (SELLL) will lead the fourth ATNU discussion lunch next Thursday. She will be talking about 'Words as maths: How dataviz might contribute to analysis of texts'.

Visiting Speaker Series #1

ATNU is launching a new visiting speaker series, bringing guests from across the DH spectrum and beyond. The first speaker in the series is Dr. Raffaele Viglianti (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities)

ATNU at CAKE 15: Digital Archives

ATNU will be participating in the next CAKE event on Thursday 25th of January. The theme is 'Digital Archives'.

What is a Text in the Digital Age II

What changed with the introduction of digital technologies in scholarly editing?


Read our ATNU blog

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Going live!

ATNU is going live!