Combined Flocculation/Chlorination Systems
Commercially available sachets can also dramatically improve the microbial quality of drinking water. These are formulated to coagulate and flocculate sediments in water followed by a timed release of chlorine.
How to use:
- Sachets typically treat 10L of water
- Stir vigorously for 5minutes
- The water should become coloured. When the process is finished, the water will be clear
- Once the water is clear and the floc is at the bottom of the container, filter the water through a clean cloth filter into a clean storage container and cover with a lid
- The filter must be a cloth that will prevent the floc from passing through
- Wait 20minutes befire drinking the water
- Do not drink if water is coloured or cloudy after treatment. If the floc accidentally gets into the treated water, use another cloth to filter the floc out of the treated water - the water is still good to drink
- Water should be consumed within 24 hours after preparation. Water that is left over should be used for cooking, washing, watering animals or otherwise discarded
- Always dispense the water from the storage container into another container, such as a cup or glass for drinking
- Discard the floc from the water treatment process in the latrine, or in the ground away from children or animals
- Do not ingest the powder
Can Treat:
- Faecal Coliforms
- Arsenic
- Fluoride
- Organic matter
For Further Information:
WHO Water Treatment Following Disaster
WHO How to Make Drinking-water Safe