Modules 3 & 4

Module 3, Action Plans and Guidelines

Module 3 will provide a recap on the benefits of Green Infrastructure to health and wellbeing, including restoration facilitation and mitigation, before considering active travel in greater detail. 

Starting with an overview of action plans and guidleines this session will look at several case studies including RIBA City Health Check, Hamburg - Grünes Netz, London’s Wild West End and Incredible Edible - Todmorton. A series of discussions around these case studies will consider partnerships, action without plans and how these ideas could be applied to the Newcastle and Gateshead area.

Module 4, Best Practice

Module 4 will look at the High Line in New York City, before introducing the background to the case study exercise which will follow. This will include the route between Byker, Newcastle to Saltwell Park, Gateshead, via the High Level Bridge with discussion regarding critical points along the journey. Participants will be asked to work in groups considering how this route could reimagined by considering the use of green infrastructure to create an active travel opportunity, which can contribute to health and wellbeing in the city, and connects with the local consideration for the High Level Bridge to be pedestrianised in the future.