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The Instituto de Desarrollo Regional(IDR), affiliated to the University of Seville is a research, study and specialised training centre in the field of regional and urban economic development.

It is a non-profit institution that receives economic support from public and private institutions. Since its creation in 1972, it has promoted and financed more than 200 research works and published almost 100 papers and books.

The activities carried out by the institute include theoretical and applied research work, consulting studies, expert reports, projects, expert training, organisation of courses, seminars, series of conferences and encounters, as well as publishing and disseminating scientific works and strategic information regarding regional development.

IDR will lead the international thematic study into management education and training and undertake regional case studies in Andalucia and Madrid.

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Instituto de Desarrollo Regional
Universidad de Sevilla
Avenida de Ramon y Cajal, 35
41005 Sevilla
Tel: +34 95 465 4911/4955
Fax: +34 95 465 8157

Centre Profile

IDR'S Research Lines

Economy and Environment

In the face of the conflict between economic growth and preservation of the Environment, the IDR has focused a great part of its research work on these problems. Thus, since 1995 the Institute has been conducting several studies in the environmental field, starting always from the Sustainable Development Model as the only possible option for the production of goods and services, respecting during the production process the natural resources they rely on.

The strategic importance of an adequate management of natural resources, the preservation of the natural wealth and the promotion of the capacity of the productive tissue are some of the reasons that justify the study of the relationships between economic aspects and the environment. The underlying idea is that the preservation of the environment can not become an additional load in the structure of business costs but rather serve as a differentiation factor in international markets and have a pulling effect on the whole regional productive structure.

Establishing a communication channel among research centres, public institutions, universities and companies is the basis of the work performed in this area. The final objective we pursue is the production and dissemination of strategic information as well as setting up a permanent debate and discussion forum.

Research works under way

Assessment of Public Policies

Assessment is a research field whose main focus is to analyse the concept, design, implementation and assessment of the usefulness of public policies and programmes. First of all, assessment is an instrument available to managers to improve, plan and implement their actions.

Development of this applied research field in Spain is only recent. The modernisation of the Spanish Administration, the entry into the European Union, the need to control public deficit and the politic-administrative decentralisation process with the multiplication of territorial bodies with increasing powers the latter entails, have made assessment an essential element in public management.

Since 1994, the Instituto de Desarrollo Regional has a well trained staff in management of assessment techniques, which is working in two areas: collaboration with public administrations, both in research and consulting and in training, and contribution to regional development by means of a better knowledge of economic conditions and its dissemination.

Research works under way

Labour Market

During 1998 the DR opened a new research line: the analysis of the labour market. This happened due to the current importance of labour issues within economy in general and more specifically within the regional economy.

Considering the 1977-1994 period, unemployment in Spain has grown by more than three million. This increase cannot be attributed just to the growth of activity rates, which are still bellow the figures of the other European Union countries. Unemployment in Andalucia, which is even more severe than in the rest of Spain, is persistent and long term.

This situation has attracted researchers' interest who have tried to find explanations to this question. In the same way, the IDR has opened a research line on the labour market to promote research on labour market structure and dynamics, with a special attention to Andalucia's situation.

The objective we pursue with the setting up of this research line is the promotion of a Permanent Expert forum to promote the study and debate of aspects related to the labour market.

Sectorial Studies

The Instituto de Desarrollo Regional has been carrying out research studies and plans in collaboration with the Region's Public Administration in economic sectors, which are basic in Andalucia. At the same time the IDR participates in several Community projects integrated in working groups with other European university institutions.

Research Works under way


  • Meeting of the Steering Committee of the project Infrastructures and Innovation Network for the Promotion of the Environmental Goods and Services Industry in Andalucia. Seville, April 1st 1998. Seminar organised by the IDR within the BSM project. The meeting established the bases for drafting an Action Plan for the Promotion of the Environmental Industry in Andalucia and made proposals for its focus, objectives, institutional and budget framework and organisational structure.
  • Meeting of the Steering Committee of the BSM-Tourism project. Environmental challenges and technological solutions for the Tourist Industry in Andalucia. Technological Park of Andalucia, Malaga, April 2nd 1998. Organised by the IDR within the BSM project. Environmental challenges faced by the tourist industry were discussed. The discussion document was a diagnosis present by the IDR's research team. The team also presented the main objectives of the project and the preliminary conclusions of the field research in towns and hotel facilities.
  • Meeting of the Steering Committee of the NOBA Project. Seville, April 3rd 1998. Organised by the IDR within the NOBA project (New Opportunities of Biotechnology Application in Agriculture). It analysed the existing opportunities and perspectives for biotechnology and for the agrochemical industry in Andalucia, focusing on the regional innovation system in these fields.
  • International Conference "Water Management 1998. Algarve-Andalucia: Challenges and Proposals". Faro, June 25th-26th 1998. Organised by the IDR in collaboration with the Regional Development and Economy Research Center of the University of Algarve, under the co-operation programme between both entities. The conference discussed in detail topics such as policies and institutions responsible for water management, several management experiences and the role of new technologies.
  • NOBA Conference. "New Opportunities of Biotechnology Application in Agriculture". Seville, December 11th 1998.
  • Seminar on "The foodfarming industry in Andalucia. Technological and business solutions for their environmental management". Seville, December 14th 1998.
  • "Impacts on Trade of the New Fisheries International Order". Summer course organised by the International University of Andalucia, July 27th-31st 1998.
  • Participation as teachers in the course "Impacts on Trade of the New Fisheries International Order". Iberoamerican Campus in La Rabida. International University of Andalucia, July 27th-31st 1998.
  • Direction and organisation of the Seminar "Economic relations between Cadiz and the Rif: the case of fisheries". In collaboration with UIMP (International University Menendez Pelayo) and the Community of Townships of the Lower Guadalquivir. Sanlucar de Barrameda, August 1998.
  • Direction and organisation of the Seminar " North-South Co-operation in the Mediterranean". In collaboration with UIMP and the Community of Townships of the Lower Guadalquivir. Sanlucar de Barrameda, August 1998.
  • Direction of the course "Assessment as economic policy instrument: the experience of youth employment policies". Experiences on youth employment. International Youth Meeting. Cabueñes (Gijon), October 1998.
  • Seminar on "Public Policy Assessment Methodology: Methodology orientations for Assessment". Faro, October 25th 1998.
  • Presentations at Courses, Conferences and Seminars




    The Instituto de Desarrollo Regional, represented by its Director or by its Vicedirector, is part of:


    Prof. Dr. Oneida Alvarez. University of Havanna.

    Erasmus Programme Scholars

    University of Austria: WIRTSCHAFTSUNIVERSITÄT

    Olga Baos

    Stefan Jester

    Andreas Lernpeiss


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