Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Sc

Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies/School of Modern Languages Newcastle University - Research Seminar

Newcastle, 14th April 2016.

The Legislated Mediation of Indigenous Rights in Peru MSPowerpoint 1,626Kb


The Complex Role of Indigenous Translators and Interpreters in Peru MSPowerpoint 2,142Kb

Presentación de Luis Andrade.

Community Interpreting from the Peruvian Perspective MSPowerpoint 3,034Kb

Presentación de Raquel de Pedro. 

Translating the language of the law into Peru's indigenous languages PDF 615Kb

Presentación de Rosaleen Howard.

From the monolingual to the multilingual State PDF 4,079Kb

Presentación de Agustin Panizo. 

Video de la ponencia de Agustín Panizo

CLACS Seminar Debate Audio

Debate following CLACS seminar Translating Cultures, Newcastle University 14/04/16

Fotos de Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies/School of Modern Languages Newcastle University - Research Seminar

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