The following full-length manuscript submissions had been accepted for oral presentation based on the outcome of peer review:
- Energy efficiency of a pipe-embedded glass envelope utilizing low-temperature water for heating by Chong Shen, Xianting Li and Shuai Yan (Tsinghua University, China)
- Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal solar systems for combined heating and cooling provision in the urban and built environment: Potential, barriers and challenges by Alba Ramosa, Maria Anna Chatzopouloua, Ilaria Guarracinoa, James Freemana and Christos N. Markides (Imperial College London, UK)
- Energy analysis of alternative CO2 refrigeration system configurations for retail food applications by K. M. Tsamos, Y. Ge, IDewa Santosa, S. A. Tassou, G. Bianchi and Z. Mylona (Brunel University, UK)
- Environmental Impacts of Vapour Compression and Cryogenic Transport Refrigeration Technologies for Temperature Controlled Food Distribution by Ashika Rai and Savvas A Tassou (Brunel University, UK)
- Review of urban energy transition in the Netherlands and the role of smart energy management by R.P. van Leeuwen1 , J.B. de Wit1, G.J.M. Smit2 (1 Saxion University of Applied Sciences Enschede; 2 University of Twente, the Netherlands)
- Diagnostic information system dynamics in evaluation of machine learning algorithms for supervision of energy efficiency of district heating supplied buildings by Sebastian Kiluk (AGH-University of Science and Technology, Poland)
- High-efficiency industrial waste-heat recovery through computer-aided integrated working-fluid and ORC system optimisation by Martin T. White, Oyeniyi A. Oyewunmi, Andrew J. Haslam and Christos N. Markides (Imperial College London, UK)
- Using a side-branched volume to tune the acoustic field in a looped-tube travelling wave thermoacoustic engine with a RC load by Ali Al-Kayiem and Zhibin Yu (University of Glasgow, UK)
- Principle investigation on advanced absorption power generation cycle by Zhiwei Ma, Huashang Bao and Anthony Paul Roskilly (Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- Using 13x molecular sieves as MgSO4 hosts for interseasonal domestic thermochemical energy storage by Daniel Mahon, Gianfranco Claudio and Philip C Eames (Loughborough University, UK)
- Simulation and implementation of heat load shifting in a low carbon building by by John Allison, Andrew Cowie, Jon Hand, Nicolas J. Kelly, Stuart Galloway, Bruce Stephen (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Four-stage looped thermoacoustic Stirling power generator for low temperature waste heat by Kai Wang1,2, Limin Qiu1 (1Zhejiang University, China; 2Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Computational Study of the Energy Savings of a High-rise Residential Building Retrofitted to Passive House by Yiqun Yu1, Huilan Huang1, Yaodong Wang2 (1 Guangxi University, China; 2 Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- The energy and indoor environmental performance of super-insulated dwellings – A fabric optimisation case study in the UK, by Xinxin Liang, Mohammad Royapoor, Yaodong Wang, Anthony Roskilly (Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- Industrial decarbonisation of the pulp and paper sector: A UK perspective by Paul W. Griffin, Geoffrey P. Hammond, Jonathan B. Norman (University of Bath, UK)
- Application cases and economic benefits of thermo-chemical networks Alessandro Giampieri1, Martin Buchholz2, Philipp Geyer3, Reiner Bucholz3, Christian Engel4, Mohammad Royaspoor1, Andrew Smallbone1, Anthony P. Roskilly1, (1Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK; 2Watergy GmbH, Germany; 3KU Leuven, Belgium; 4Thermaflex, Netherlands)
- A chemisorption power generation cycle with multi-stage expansion driven by low grade heat by Huashan Bau, Zhiwei Ma*, Anthony Paul Roskilly (Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- Thermal mass, fabric insulation and adaptive comfort, the key elements in decarbonising office buildings in Northern Europe by Mohammad Royapoor, Anthony Roskilly (Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- Introducing Innovative Performance Metrics for High-Level Monitoring and Diagnosis of Telecommunication sites by Federica D’Aniello1, Marco Sorrentino1, Gianfranco Rizzo1, Alena Trifirò2, Filippo Bedogni2 (1University of Salerno, Italy; 2Telecom Italia, Italy)
- 1-D Transient Numerical Modelling of Counter-Current Two-Phase Stratified Flow inside a Medium Temperature Solar Linear Collector by R. López, A. Lecuona, R. Ventas, J. Nogueira (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
- Impact of solar energy on the energy balance of a low energy building by Dorota Chwieduk (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland)
- Development and validation of a signal-based procedure for free-cooling detection in telecommunication central offices by Marco Sorrentino1, Valentina Cirillo1, Davide Panagrosso, Alena Trifirò2, Filippo Bedogni2 (1University of Salerno, Italy; 2Telecom Italia, Italy)
- 4th generation district heating solutions – the enabler for integrating low temperature energy sources into a community heating system by Christian Engel, Michelle Torres (Thermaflex International, Netherlands)
- High-efficiency compressors and expanders for energy-storage and energy-conversion applications by Paul Sapin1, Aly I. Taleb1, Alex J. White2, Christos N. Markides1 (1Imperial College London, UK; 2University of Cambridge, UK)
- A bottom-up approach for determining the European industrial heat pump potential by A. Marina, S. F. Smeding, H. A. Zondag, A. K. Wemmers (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands)
- Study on performance of a solar collector with heat collection and storage by Gang Li1, Huilan Huang1, Junjie Zhang1, Hua Zhang2 (1Guangxi University, China; 2University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China)
- Effects of surface temperature on solar PV performance and cooled panel for efficiency optimisation by Zhijun Peng, Mohammad R Herfatmanesh, Yiming Liu (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
- Thermal power fluctuations in waste heat to power systems: an overview on current and innovative solutions by Manuel Jiménez-Arreola, Fabio Dal Magro, Alessandro Romagnoli (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Investigation on heating and cooling operation status of a thermally activated building system (TABS) using night-time electricity in Ewha campus complex (ECC) by Jae-Han Lim, Jin-Hee Song, Hye-Sun Jin, Seung-Yeong Song (Ewha Womans University, South Korea)
- Domestic thermal storage requirement for heat demand flexibility by John Allison, Andrew Cowie, Nick Kelly (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Model-based energy performance assessment of the world largest underground seasonal thermal energy storage in a pilot district heating system in Chifeng City by Luyi Xu1, J.Ignacio Torrens1, Fang Guo2, Xudong Yang2, Jan L. M. Hensen (1Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2Tsinghua University, China)
- Evaluating the role of building thermal inertia for the provision of decentralised demand-side primary electrical frequency regulation services by Sean Williams, Michael Short (Teesside University, UK)
- Evolution of compact sorption generators for ammonia - active carbon heat pumps by Robert E. Critoph1, Steven J. Metcalf, Angeles Rivero-Pacho (University of Warwick, UK)
- Improvement of waste heat regeneration on an industrial textile dryer: redesign of heat exchangers network and components by Daniele Fiaschi 1, Giampaolo Manfrida1, Luigi Russo2, Lorenzo Talluri1 (1University of Florence, Italy; 2GESCO Energy, Italy)
- Syngas generation through pyrolysis of dry biosolids by Abdullah Malik1,4, Jon Maclaren2, Naveed Ramzan3, Syeda Asma Hassan1, Anthony Roskilly4 (1Hybrid Gasification Limited, UK; 2MWH Global, UK; 3University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan; 4Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research, UK)
- Heat recovery in drying of milk powder using liquid sorption by Michel van der Pal1, Robert de Boer1, Diego Pineda Quijano2 (1Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands; 2TU Delft, The Netherlands)
- Invisible Energy Policy – Analysis of the link between consumption and energy demand by John Barrett, Kate Scott, Anne Owen, Jannik Giesekam (University of Leeds, UK)
- Techno-economic analysis of the Sailing Heat concept by Robert de Boer1, Egbert Klop2, Simon Smeding1, Herbert Zondag1 (1Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands; 2Industrial Energy Experts, The Netherlands)
- Design and experimental investigation of a high power segmented zeolite 13X/water sorption energy storage system by R. van Alebeek1, M.A.J.M. Beving1, M. Gaeini1, C.C.M. Rindt1, H.A. Zondag1,2 (1Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, the Netherlands)
- Recovering cold energy and waste heat in a LNG power generation system by a thermoacoustic Stirling power generator by Kai Wang, Swapnil Dubey, Fook Hoong Choo, Fei Duan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Techno-economic analysis of the Sailing Heat concept by Robert de Boer1, Egbert Klop2, Simon Smeding1, Herbert Zondag1 (1Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, The Netherlands; 2Industrial Energy Experts, The Netherlands)
- Achieving transitions in UK energy and material use: Public deliberations of a low material future by Nick Pidgeon, Catherine Cherry (Cardiff University, UK)
- Numerical study on thermal performance of a gravity assisted loop heat pipe by Xingxing Zhang1, Yuhan Zhang2, Song Pan3, Jinshun Wu3, Liang Xia4, Weijie Zhang2 (1Dalarna University, Sweden; 2Heibei University of Engineering, China; 3Beijing University of Technology, China; 4University of Nottingham, China)
- Industrial energy demand and carbon emissions reduction in the UK: Challenges, insights and opportunities by John Barrett 1, Tim Cooper 2, Geoffrey P. Hammond 3, Nick Pidgeon 4 (1 University of Leeds, UK; 2 Nottingham Trent University, UK; 3 University of Bath, UK; 4 Cardiff University, UK)
In addition, the following abstract submissions had been accepted for poster exhibition at SusTEM2017:
- Phase Change materials potential in Peak Shifting demand by Jose Cunha, Philip Eames (Loughborough University, UK)
- Design and realisation of a heat pump dryer test bench by Jamy Logie, Bruno Vanslambrouck (Ghent University, Germany)
- Metal fuels for zero-carbon power and heat by P.J.M. Sonnemans, N.G. Deen, L.P.H. de Goey, (The Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Predicting Performance of Adsorption Thermal Energy Storage: From Experiments to Validated Dynamic Models by Heike Schreiber, Franz Lanzerath, André Bardow (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Experimental Analysis and Comparison between CO2 Transcritical Power Cycles and R245fa Organic Rankine Cycles for Low-grade Heat Power Generations by Liang Li, Yunting Ge, Xiang Luo and Savvas A. Tassou (Brunel University London, UK)
- DRYficiency- Waste Heat Recovery in Industrial Drying Processes by Michael Hartl (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
- Thermal performance of sebacic acid and sebacic acid/ expanded graphite composite phase change materials in a helical coil heat exchanger by Ziye Ling, Zhengguo Zhang, Xiaoming Fang, Xuenong Gao (South China University of Technology, China)
- Boosting the share of renewable energy by optimized scheduling of the heat pump using thermal mass of the building by Ajit Toradmal, Thomas Kemmler, Bernd Thomas (Reutlingen University, Germany)
- Development of district heating and smart-grid models to assess building neighbourhood relationships and synergies by Uli Jakob 1, Ahmed Khoja 2, Falko Kiedaisch 1, Natalie Essig 2 (1 Dr. Jakob energy research GmbH & Co., Germany; 2 Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
- Pyrolysis of bio-oils and glycerol on a char bed by Pietro Bartocci, Federica Liberti and Francesco Fantozzi (University of Perugia, Italy)
- Characterization of expanded graphite composite phase change material for medium-temperature industrial waste heat storage by using temperature history method by Zhaowen Huang, Xuenong Gao, Tao Xu (South China University of Technology, China)
- Exergy analysis of a variable expansion ratio rotary vane expander coupling organic Rankine cycle for variable working conditions by Jiayao Yan, Yongqiang Han, Jing Tian, Yun Xu, Yiming Zhang, Runzhao Li, Ruolong Chen (Jilin University, China)
- Project ORCAL: Industrial waste heat recovery by means of an ORC system connected to two-phase closed thermosyphons by Van Long Le, Xavier Dumas, Ludovic Ferrand and Vincent Lemort (The University of Liège, Belgium)
- Role of LNG in an optimised hybrid energy network: Exergy optimization to balancing energy supply and demand in an integration of decentralized CHP-LNG regasification by J. Montoya Cardona 1, 2, J.A.M Dam 1, M. de Rooij 2 (1 Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2 Hanze University of Applied Science Groningen, The Netherlands)
- Modification of expanded graphite and its adsorption for hydrated salt to prepare composite PCMs by Yan Zhou, Ziye Ling, Xiaoming Fang, Zhengguo Zhang (South China University of Technology, China)
- Numerical investigation on paraffin/expanded graphite composite phase change material based latent thermal energy storage system with double spiral coil tube by Xuenong Gao, Caixing Chen (South China University of Technology, China)
- The shape-stabilized phase change material based on Ba(OH)2·8H2O as thermal energy storage media by Qiangqiang Xiao, Li Li, Wenhui Yuan (South China University of Technology, China)