
Daniel Kirkby

Danny recently graduated from his masters degree at the University of Sheffield, studying MA Digital Media and Society. This course looks at the relationship between digital media and society from a sociological perspective, considering the ways in which digital media technologies impact upon our everyday lives and social experiences. Prior to coming to Sheffield he studied a degree in Media, Communications, Cultures (BA Hons) at Leeds Beckett University, achieving the Dean's award for highest overall grade. Over his academic career he has developed specific research interests relating to digital methods, digital activism, visual methods, ethics, sustainability and veganism. His masters thesis channels these interests, by looking at the role of visual digital activism in the formation of vegan movements, and using the approach of digital ethnography to investigate a vegan advocacy group.

As Research Assistant on SCArFE, Danny will be using digitally native tools for collecting, cleaning and analysing social media data over a 12 month period, working alongside the digital methods team at the University of Sheffield