About the Project

2016 was officially the hottest year since records began and, while climate change poses a threat to the whole planet, it is already having a significant impact on the poorest people in the world. Over 10% of the world’s population live on less than £1.50 a day making them particularly vulnerable to drought, flooding and extreme weather. In fact, the effects of climate change could force an additional 100 million people into poverty by 2030.

The statistics are shocking but dealing with these global issues can be very challenging. As ordinary people, how much can we reduce our impact on the climate? How easy is it to alleviate global poverty? Actions that tackle these problems can be expensive and time consuming, while the changes we could make in our daily lives might be too small to make a difference anyway.

Our research explores how ordinary people might respond to these global challenges and the difficulties that they face. Participants will record and reflect on their everyday actions for a period of two weeks (through an online or paper based diary) and discuss their thoughts with a member of our project team.

As a token of our thanks, participants can choose to receive a £20 high street voucher or we will donate the same amount to Oxfam’s ‘Combat Climate Change’ campaign on your behalf.